11th Oct 2021

HMRC have now published a collection of guidance on Rules of origin for goods moving between the UK and EU

Much of this guidance refers to changes that were introduced at the end of the transition period in January 2021, however this collection of guidance has only just been published on 6th October 2021. It is still a useful reference for the complex area of rules of origin for both importing and exporting.

Introduction to rules of origin and claiming duties when trading between the UK and EU

Proving originating status and claiming a reduced rate of Customs Duty for trade between the UK and EU

General rules to determine the origin of your products for trade between the UK and EU

Using the Harmonised System and product-specific rules for trade between the UK and EU

Insufficient production for manufacturing and agri-food processes when trading between the UK and EU

Case studies for insufficient production when trading between the UK and the EU

Government Helpline numbers

There are a number of specific helplines for you to get support on transition

  • Customs declarations, simplified customs procedures, duties and tariffs: 0300 322 9434
  • CE / UKCA marking: 0121 345 1201
  • Regulation of medicines and medical devices: 020 3080 6000
  • Supply of medicinal products: 0800 915 9964
  • Intellectual Property Office: 0300 300 2000
  • Funding by the EU, HMG Guarantee for EU Funds, Horizon 2020, Research Fund for Coat and Steel, COSME, Nuclear Fission, Fusion 4 Energy, EUROFusion and Connecting Europe Facility for Energy: 020 7215 5000
  • Home Office helpline: 0300 790 6268
  • Department for International Trade Brexit Enquiry Service: 0300 123 7379