Notice is hereby given of the UK Weighing Federation Annual General Meeting and Regional meeting to be held on:

Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
1 Birdcage Walk,

Registration and Coffee: 2:30pm
Meeting Commencing at 3:00pm

Please click on the appropriate link to see a copy of the agenda and directions to the venue. You will also find a Nomination Form, which only needs to be completed (and returned by 23 September) if you wish to stand for election as a Board Member.

To give you a chance to meet with other members, the Federation has organised a three course meal with wine in the evening at a cost of £45 per person (plus VAT).  Hotel accommodation is £114.04 per night (plus VAT). There will some free time between the meeting and the dinner, which will give you an opportunity to do some sightseeing. Please click here to see some of the top attractions that will be available around London, for your perusal.

We do hope you will be able to join us for both the meetings and evening meal. Please complete the booking form and return as soon as possible, to confirm your attendance.